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#1 2010-07-29 22:04:45

From: UK
Registered: 2008-06-05
Posts: 1868

HFMC Album Release Date

Eowyn wrote:

Hello everyone!

My apologies for the long delay since the last newsletter.  I have had a lot of different things going on in my personal life but now I am here once again.  Why you might ask?  Because we have very exciting news!!!   FuturePast will be released on August 27, 2010 through Reingold Records.  The wait is over!! I know that Hasse is thrilled that the album is finally coming to fruition and I can't speak for all of you but I know that I cannot wait to have a copy in my hands.  The snippets that we have been teased with so far are outstanding. If you have not heard them yet you can find them on Hasse's myspace page.

We hope that you are all still as excited for this release as we are because we need your help!  We are planning a CD Release Party to take place on Frans Keylard's progressive radio show on The Dividing Line and we want to get as many people to attend as possible.  You will be able to hear the album at that time as well as perhaps some interviews with Hasse and the guys and maybe, just maybe there will be a few giveaways.   Please help us get your friends excited to come and listen.  We are hopeful that this album will a great success and that will be due largely to all of you.  I speak for both myself and for Hasse when I say that we appreciate all of your support and encouragement so much and we are thrilled to have you as part of our time.   More news on the party and the release coming soon so stay tuned!

Eowyn/HFMC Street Team



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